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Livy participates in our Day Program full-time, our Social Skill classes, and also our Summer Camps. Livy loves the color pink and also loves to dance. She has a bright personality and cares about others. She is learning life, social, and job skills to be more involved and independent in her community. She is currently working toward getting her Drivers License. She is working on a biking goal every 2 weeks to bike 15 miles. 

Livy is a blessing in our lives.




Brooks participated in our Social Skills classes, Day Program, and Summer Camps. He loves basketball and tennis. He is always laughing and enjoying life. His favorite game is Family Feud. He loves to include others and he has a sweet heart in helping others. He works full-time at Disney. Brooks is a hard worker and always willing to step in. He currently is a resident in our Guys Supportive Housing.




Jackson participates in our Social Skill classes and our Summer Camps. He has the biggest smile ever. Jackson gives great hugs and loves to ask questions.  He rides the bike to the park often (2 total miles) and he is so kind to any new friend that comes to our programs and includes them. He always gives great effort in trying new things and has improved greatly in his self-regulation and communication of how he is feeling.

Jackson is a blessing in our lives.




Jean has been in our program for more than 3 years. He has participated in our Summer Camps and Day Program. He is learning how to communicate more, self-regulate, and take initiative on things instead of waiting for help from others. He has increased his confidence since being here and is loved by his peers. We are so glad Jean is a part of our BP family.



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Jacob has been attending BP for over 4 years now. He has been in all our programs except for the Guys Housing. He has made so much growth with his self-regulation and communication. He loves to learn about others and won't forget you after he meets you just one time. He is a people lover and he keeps making progress each and everyday. We are so glad Jacob is a part of our BP family.




Hayden participated in our Summer Camp first, moving

from Wisconsin. Since then he has been in our Social Skill Classes, and our Day Program. He has been working on self-regulation and knowing when he needs to step away. He has a kind heart and wants to help and serve others. We are so glad that Hayden is here and we will continue to help him grow towards independence.


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